Mind games: How psychological interactive games challenge your thinking PT2

Sleep deprived mom game: This game was pretty understandable it was also very familiar as our family tends to take care of any new born in shifts so we would all gather in the new baby mama’s house and we would take care of the baby i usually got to take care of the baby in the night shift so i would have to watch over the newborn from 12 am till 10 am this game simulated that exhausted feeling that any caretaker feels and to be honest our family does this only during the baby’s first month and then we leave the mom so i know that being a mom is very hard as the mother usually doesn’t get the help that we provide for our relatives in the first month or in the following month to come overall this game would be helpful to anyone who has no clue regarding the mom life.

September 7th 2020:This game talks about the hardships of a handicapped trangender black student who is suffering from depression during the return of their campus after covid.The only part i can relate to in the story is the depression part and how hard it was to transition from online classes to real face to face classes.I didn’t like this game as it over exaggerated the process a bit not that i am not understanding of how life must be to those who can relate to them it’s just that i found this person stuck in situation that were over exaggerated in the writing of the game 

Being under the influence:

I didn’t like this game. It was very childish in a way, as being peer pressured to do illegal substances happens throughout multiple hangouts and not in a one-time setting, which means that these people are all not this person’s friends. overall, I liked the other games way better than this one 

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